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  • Writer's picturedandantravels

Final Reflection

Reminiscing on my experiences while studying abroad, I realize it has been one of the best things I have ever decided to embark on. I've grown in ways I wouldn't have even imagined. All this freedom and being away from your parents, it forces you to learn how to survive on your own. Laundry, cooking, expenses, etc. You name it. And even though I am an adult legally, I felt as if I became one leap further into the journey of adulthood.

As mentioned in my previous blog post, I joined the Seoul National University Buddy program since it was recommended by past Freeman scholars, but I now understand why they loved it so much. I have met so many people, each from different areas of the globe and places I'd never dream of meeting people from. Austria, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Indonesia, Singapore, just to name a few.

Finally, to all those who will be (or thinking of) studying abroad—aside from the tips I mentioned in my previous blog post—the only thing I can suggest is to just have an open mind for the culture and country you will be entering. You'll have lots of fun and lots of memories. Take the time to explore and don't be afraid to take risks!

Ho Chi Minh Statue, Vietnam

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