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  • Writer's picturedandantravels

Reminiscing the few weeks I have left


Howdy y'all.

I've just been looking back and realizing how fast it was. I remember how cold it was when we first got here. "Hot-blooded Daniel" absolutely loved the cold and refused to wear more layers. Now, it's nearly summer and time to leave this beauty of a city we called home for the past 3 months.

I joined the Seoul National University Buddy program since it was recommended by past Freeman scholars, but I now understand why they loved it so much. I have met so many people, each from different areas of the globe and places I'd never dream of meeting people from. Austria, Kazahkstan, Switzerland, Indonesia, Singapore, just to name a few.

Today we took pictures to cherish these memories. These goofballs were the touch that made Korea extra special.

Overall, SNU Buddy was probably one of the best decision I've made while in Korea. I've met so many great friends while abroad and it will be an unforgettable experience.

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